TRUMPF employee magazine

TRUMPF employee magazine

After 10 years and 29 printed issues, TRUMPF is putting its employee magazine "impulse" to the test. Is it still up to date, despite the modern intranet and the changes in media use due to increasing digitalization? The employees say yes. They still want a printed staff magazine. We are helping our long-standing client to make it more modern. Together with the "impulse" editorial team, we are relaunching the magazine. It is getting a new format - starting with the 30th issue, "impulse" will appear in "small newspaper format" instead of a glossy magazine form. This is not only more cost-effective, but also offers plenty of space to let employees have their say, to introduce them to exciting technical topics and to impart knowledge about new products and the internationally positioned TRUMPF Group. The new "impulse" is published twice a year. We work hand in hand: The Trump-internal editorial team provides content and texts, we take care of the design.